Experienced Entertainment Safety Consultants
Maintaining Entertainment Safety
Federal and state OSHA inspectors are paying increased attention to entertainment venues. We will conduct safety training covering the entire range of entertainment safety-related topics, including fall protection, rigging specifications, and safe handling of fireworks, to name a few.
The Safety Department® has been the chief safety advisor for one of the largest entertainment corporations touring the US and worldwide. We have years of experience with concert tours, stage shows, and movie and television productions, from “load-in” to “load-out” at venues ranging from small concert halls to outdoor theaters, sports arenas, and stadiums.
Make sure your tour operator is ready to deal with OSHA’s requirements for pyrotechnics, rigging, fall protection, protective gear, employee safety training, and a host of other things. The design and rigging of the stage must be considered as well as the possibility of strong winds and adverse weather conditions. You must also ensure that your pyrotechnics safeguards are sufficient. These are just a few things for which you need to plan.

Things to Consider
- Credentialing System for Cast, Crew, Extras, and Visitors
- Restricted Access to Backstage or Other Secure Areas
- Restricted Access and Lockdown Procedures When Performing Hazardous Scenes or Activities
- Staffing of Qualified Security Personnel
- Security Incident Response Procedures
- Adequate Lighting, Including Access and Security Points
- Crowd Control and Coordination with Local Law Enforcement
- Review of Location Security Plans with Local Law Enforcement
- On-Site First Aid/Medical Services for Cast, Crew, and Extras
- On-Site Emergency Medical Response by EMTs
- Emergency Medical Transport
- Fire Department Response for Firefighting, Including Access to Water Supplies for Firefighting Purposes
- Emergency Evacuation and Sheltering-in-Place for Cast, Crew, and Extras
- Review and Approval of Fire Safety Plans by Fire Marshal or Local Authority Having Jurisdiction
- Emergency Communications for On-Location Personnel, As Well As with Outside Response Agencies